Sarpo Family

The Sarpo family of potatoes has developed over the past 12 years.  We started with the now well known, Sarpo Mira which has probably got the highest resistance to late blight known.  We then released Sarpo Axona which has similar characteristics as Sarpo Mira but grows shorter, does not have such large tubers and many say has a better flavour.

Blue Danube was next,  a specialty variety which has a deep blue/purple skin (but white flesh).  This is a slight oddity in the range because its late blight resistance is not high, however its tubers are highly resistant (ie. the final harvest yield is rarely affected).

Our new introductions are still in multiplication and are only available in smaller quantities.  Kifli is a low dry matter, waxy potato, ideal for boiling and salads.  Una is a dual purpose variety with a waxy delicate flavour early on, turning into a great baker if left to grow.  Finally Shona sits between the two, a great all-rounder with a white skinned oval tuber and one of our stars in the making

Click on an image below to learn more.   But don’t take our word for it, have a look at the national database.

You might also like to look at our own interpretation of the various strengths of the Sarpo family.
