Conwy Community Growing Sarpos

Conwy Community Growing Sarpos

What a great project.  Sarpo  was out and about at the weekend in Conwy and found the large patch of Sarpos growing next to the town tourist office.  This spring we donated seed of several varieties to the community growing project  Bwyd Bendigedig  (Incredible Edible Conwy).

What is so amazing is that the beds shown (which certainly have Sarpo Mira standing very tall!) have done so well in a semi shaded position.  This really shows how Sarpo Potatoes suit community growing schemes where the crop will be largely be left to fend for itself.  Unfortunately the amazing quality of our varieties does not go as far as ensuring they don’t get filched too early (community members are encouraged to just pick and eat as they please!).  See the sign on the left and one bed partly dug.